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29 01 10
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010 @ 3:46 PM

You never knew how I feel even when you said you did.
No one ever did.
Wee~ I'm blogging. HAHAS.
Blog seriously can lie alot.
Cuz the way I type I seem hyper but I'm not.

Anyways, this is gonna be a short one.
Gotta do bloody maths. Ass~
Why rush sia, the rest of the classes also haven finish -.-
Wanted to go training to vent my anger but I'm so tired to.
& I don't think I can finish maths in time.
I miss training. Gahhhhhhs~

I had HAI Olympics today.
& it sucked the hell out of me.
My school is screwed so ya.
Win 2 games also no use-.-
Then play so hard for what.
Den I have screwed up teachers that dun care.
Let the students take charge den still screwed even more.
Stupid school sia. Haiz.

So ya, that's just about it :D
At I think it is.
Ehhhhs, still got monday.HAHAS.

I went to science center.
Gahhhs~ Was stuck in e jam for an hr plus.
WTH.So we missed alot of things.
but still okayyys larhhhs
Run around awhile den go listen talk.
HAHAS!Den back to school.
Camp At AISHAH'S. Den go back school.
CIP thingy thingy.
Den home.

Now it's all it.
Tmr CIP in class. Boring.
Report books coming in soon (: ):
Ya, both excited and unwilling to collect ):
You will get through it, Crystal.
I know it.

I seriously don't understand why. Why me?
I'm the reason for everything.
Good or bad, still me.
I didn't choose to be her apple of eye.
All I did was to do my best.
I just wanna be 15,the kid being rebellious.
Yeah, now I'm like a fucking poly kid w no freedom. Gahhhs.
Why do I have to grow beyond my age.
I'm so sick and tired of this.
Trying so hard makes so many things so complicated.
I wanna sleep and think right.
I dun wanna wake up and say.
There's school.
There's training.
Omg I forgot to do something.
I just wannalie back enjoy life for e moment.
But in mylife now I can't take a breather.
So tired. I get weaker and weaker.
What's going on in my life?
And some strange reason.
I can't cry for certain things until wells. ya.
Haiz. LSTTM.

You know what, you are a fucking bitch I'm not saying this in the fucking msg because i dun wanna fucking hurt you. you fucking never ever know. never did and never will. I swear. You say i never think yet you never even see what the hell is behind the msg. You don't get what I'm trying to say fine larhhhs. Like I care. I helped u cannot see not my fault. Done my best tried already don't get it not my bloody asshole fault. You never see myefforts cuz u always carried the hatred in me that i'm the apple of eye. You can have the fucking thing. I dun wan it. For all I care. This isn't even what I want.

Thursday, May 20, 2010 @ 7:07 PM

Enough of the nonsense, You don't know me.
So, here's the deal. I don't wanna make the effort.
I an't falling for the sweet talks 'cause it's spooking me out.
Hints given, take it or leave it.
No harm done to me.

Okayyys, So I haven been updating my blog for like.
A month plus. Wow, I've been lazy.
OKayyys, actually not.
Was mapling, den mugging.
And recently training ):
It's seriously taken a toll on me.

Let's see if I can rmb what happened.
Okayyys, I don't rmb at all.

I remember going out w flo and family.
Celebrating TeacherChris birthday.
Inter-school :/
Outing w florence, ben, justin, me.

Should be around like this timeline bas.

Ya so, I have another competition coming.
And I don't wanna do it.
It's killing me.

Life kinda sucks.
Exams, busy do notes.
Exams over, still need do bloody maths.

I wanna take a break also no mood.
I also have aholes who love to disturb at the wrong time.

My bro had an operation and now his school is screwed.
Okayyys, so ya.Basically I also feel screwed.
I hate maths and physics.
Omg, I can't believe I can do humans.
I failed my awesome english.
And yeah, That's my awesome life.

I aint replying you cuz you help me settle the dam bloody thing that i wanna settle. And well, it ani't what i wanted so, t's not helping me at all. Yeah, that's f-ing irritating. I wanna shout to you and say heys, that's my life. but what i respect you so it's time you learn to respect me. And about he,heys, stop messing w my friends. enough of your nonsense. I WUN BLOODY BE W YOU. Geez. I can't be, the sparks aint right. as guilty as i am. sorry. accept the fact and leavv my bloody screwed life. GAHHHHS~

Wednesday, April 14, 2010 @ 5:31 PM

Tears stream down my cheek, I'm so tired of life.
It's been ages since I tried to take an emo picture.

Anyways back to life.
I've been damn at the wrong mood recently.

Saturday, 10042010
Hahas, spent the morning mapling.
Den afternoon go to ice-skating!
Had dinner @ pastamania.
Went home.
Use com awhile, sleep.

Sunday, 11042010
Woke up @ 730 when meeting the rest @ 730 -.-
Rushed! Left, met, GO!
I screwed the effing thing.
Dam bloody sad.
Cried awhile, run awhile, eat, went inside.
After awhile my bloody sister ask me Inot going home arhhs?
Since when I ever go home alone when she's dere?
Cried all my way home. Took train from Kovan to Eunos
Took bus to Aljunied.
Take train to Pasir Ris den to Eunos, den to pasir ris.
Den go beach.
Sat there for an hr plus den go grandma house.

Monday, 12042010
School usual.
Grammar test during AP.
Go for training.
Daddy fetch me home.
Do hw,play com awhile.
Nice nice bed.

School usual.
Maths AP!
Physics extra class.
Waited for AISHAH's bro.
Stupid argument.
Read finish DearJohn.
Camwhored w BabyyCarebear&GreenBobo.

Wednesday, 14042010
School. Lunch.
Geez, Retardness.
Home. Blog.
Going to start on homework liaos.

That's just about my day.
I wanted to rant abt the sad part of me,but I'm lazy to type.
Buaiiiis, gotta eat steamboat w family & start on hw.

Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 11:00 AM

You'll never know how much I smile for you.
Been dam tired recently.
My eye bag seems very bad.
Hmmms. But I can't slp.

Yay,me blogging.
I actually have alot to blog des.
But very very very the lazy sia.

Friday, 02042010
Stayed home all day.
Went training.
Dam tired.

Saturday, 03042010
Stayed home all day again.
Did homework.
Played commie.

Sunday, 04042010
Played commie awhile in the morning.
Bathed, go my mother side de gradma.
Help to burn stuff.
Read book, watch teevee.
Fell asleep, wake up, sleep.
Dinner, hommie.

Monday, 05042010
School. Training.
Home, card, bathe, eat.
Rushed to meet ZH.
Go 'suprise' vaneh.
Stay awhile, eat, talk.
Send ZH home.
Go back, watch teeveee playyyy.
Home. Chiong history bedddie!

Tuesday, 06042010
School. Lunch.
I think I did running and coughed like mad after that.
Horrible. Something was like stuck in my throat.
I forgot what happened actually.

Wednesday, 07042010
Happy Birthday RAIHAN.
HAHAAS! Hmmms.
School. Lunch.
I still actually forgot.-.-

Thursday, 08042010
Hmmms, School. AP.
NE meeting. HORRIBLE ):

Friday, 09042010
School, Lunch.
ORAL! I swear I did badly.
Cries. Hommie.
Played commie.
Eat, change, TKD.
Hommie & tired.

OMG! This is just about the week larhhhhhhhhs.
If only everyone can make me feel the way you do.
The one that I feel you could understand me.
Maybe being able to read my mind aint that bad.
At least when I don't feel like talking you'll know what to do.
You know , you give me that weird feelings.
You're like him and another him.
Which makes you.
I wonder how my heart is.
Wonder whether she's alright.
She seems tired recently.
Not willing to do anything.
She nearly made me could not breathe while taking class.
Yupsyups. Dun die on me kayyys?
I feel so guilty.
I can't be there when you need me the most.
I can't even comfort you like last time.
I no longer can be there.
I don't feel so twinish anymore.
Like we have so much diff all of e sudden.

OMG! I'm guilty of so much things.
Hate my heart. Geez.


Saturday, April 3, 2010 @ 1:18 PM

Now is you need me & not I need you ; Cause someone replaced you in my heart.

Was browsing through my old posts.
Came across this post & decide to reblog this.
I'm still like this. Although some parts already not.

Here it goes:
She smiles to hide her tears,
Laughs to cover her fears.
But when the day is over,
When the night has come,
Her mask is off,
The show is done.

Forever I will love you.
Forever I will care.
Forever you will be the one.
Even if your not there.

Betrayal Is Inevitable.
Yet you must not block yourself off from the world in fear of betrayal.
If you do that you will only feel the pain of betraying yourself.

There's always gonna be that one person,
That no matter what they do,
What they say,
Or how much times they have hurt you.
You just cant let them go.
Because they mean so much to you.

No one knew she was pretending all along.
She faked the happiness,
& said nothing was wrong.
Looking in the mirror,
She sees a broken smile.
Striving for perfection.
The girl is just tired of all this rejection.

What would you say if I asked you not to go?
To forget everyone, to forget everything?
& start over with me.
Will you take my hand & never let me go?
Promise me you'll never let me go?

I m A Girl Whose Heart Has Been Broken & Put Back Together By A Guy With A Crazy Glue Gun. And Was Always Able 2 Make It Look New.
(Will you be willing to be that guy with the crazy gluegun?)

Friday, April 2, 2010 @ 1:26 PM

You told time will heal everything. I'm gonna believe you.
Life has been a total rollor coaster ride.
I broke up w * alr.
Wells, It was my fault, so ya.
& my mood swings seems to be getting worser.
Anyways, I shall blog about muah life.
Nothing much though.

Saturday, 20022010
Went to see my juniors compete.
Was kinda a long day.
But still okayyys.
All got medals.
2bronze, 1silver.
Ate dinner w WeiLin&bro @ subway.
Den homesweethome.

Sunday, 21032010
Went to see my juniors & seniors fight.
Same & longer day.
Ended up with ehhhhhs.
2broze, 2 silvers, 1 gold.
Went home earlier.
Mapled awhile den went to bed.

Gahhhhhhs, back to school alr.
Kinda happy yet not really.
Actually, I forgot what happened.
I think I attended training.

Tuesday, 23032010
I still forgot what happen.

Wednesday, 24032010
STM! I cannot rmb at all!

Thursday, 25032010
Ehhhhhhhs. Shyt what happened?
Errrrs, I only rmbering staying back to take test.

Friday, 26032010
I forgot what happened in school.
But AISHAH, CNYXM, LawlLiet, Odell and me ate lunch.
Den hangout at palyground.
Talked till forgot time.
Den 6 den left.
Hurry rush back go home den change go training.
Go training.
After class train self-defence.
& finally got it.

Saturday, 27032010
Bored at home
Did nothing.

Sunday, 28032010
Went to help mama&papa @ market.
Den home.
See zhongyi.
Den home again.
Went to grandma place.
My cousin bully me!
Den home.

Monday, 29032010
Cannot rmb what happened in school.
Forgot to bring gee to train.
So slack.
Denhelped cher to do something dumb.

Tuesday, 30032010
I cannot rmb a thing.
I think we all stayed back for AP.
Go through maths, do corrections den leave.

Wednesday, 31032010
Why can't I just rmb what happen?
There was SpeechDay.
Went to have lunch w AISHAH, Odell, Lina, Raihan.
Den hanged arnd BK.
Odell went home.
Den we went to WS. Bought My book.
Walk arnd.
In the end went to school, just in time.
Stayed through the programmeees.
Went home.
Bus, mrt, bus, I took the bus home.
STUPID21, Keep 1 deck):
Wayne accompanied me.
We kinda talk & stuff.
So it ain't that hard.
Den bus-ed back.
Walked home.
On Com, charge phone, bathed, maths, slp.
Tired ttm.

Thursday, 01042010
It was april fool.
Didn't get pranked.
Okayyys, maybe once.
Had a long talk after school.
Mut&minah talk that I dun get it.
But yas.
Bus-ed home w her(:
Ohh, ohhh.
Pe Did running, died.
Notreally but ya.

Friday, 02042010
I'm stuck @ home.
Wished I ran out todayyyys.
Life sucks.

Okayyys, this bascially it.
I wanted to rant about the other side of my life.
But wells. I'm so tired of trying to explain this part of life.

Thanks for hearing me that day.
I've alr been trying to get him outta me alr.
The totalbastard.


Saturday, March 20, 2010 @ 11:06 AM

I wish I could have my rainbow after every pain.

I have no idea why I'm blogging nows.
But just let me be kayyyyyyyyyyys.
For some reasons.
I feel my heart runnning wild.
I'm doing so wrong.
It should not be like this.
Love is so complicated.
I hate my feelings.
My character.
The way I am.
Anyways, If got time I shall blog a couple of songgggggssssss!
Buaiiiiiisssss My Fiiiiiiiine Readers(: